Customization of the default xdriver is required if you plan to use an external database management system. Instead, you ll be prompted to enter the listener port that the new RNI on the device should use. Add "Subsystem1" 'Any other code goes here. Configure the fields on the Downlink Sessions tab. For optimal performance, select Free as the threading model. This request for connection is usually caused when the RNI receives a message with a qualifying message type code.
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Configure the fields on the Downlink Sessions tab. If authentication fails, the connection is terminated.

This field is always true for the i. All physical local interfaces appear in the NetworkInterfaces collection. From the Project menu, select Add Class.

OpenLDV Programmer's Guide, xdriver Supplement

To do so, check the Enable Recovery box and configure the rest of the fields on the Recovery Options tab. Click Click Here for Support Information.

From the Project menu, select [Project Name] Properties. It can be used to identify the SCO.

Add a COM object to the project. This ensures that monitor point update events sent after a network requests an uplink session but before the network and its monitor set are opened by an LNS application are not lost, so that the user will receive the xdrjver point update event that caused the uplink session.

For security reasons, it is not recommended that you use the default factory authentication key.

This document provides information about BlackBerry Enterprise. For more information on authentication, see Authentication Key Handling on page The LNS application performs whatever network operations are required. Since the OpenLDV driver is designed to be incorporated into third-party software products, the documentation required to use the OpenLDV driver is included ilno the third-party software product that includes the OpenLDV driver.

OpenLDV Programmer's Guide, xdriver Supplement - PDF

Yes xdriver Lookup Extension Component called. Lookup[Type], where [Type] represents the type of external database management system you are using. Installation Guide Quest Collaboration Services 3. This problem will only manifest itself if LNS 3 is installed on the computer. This will cause all functionality iln in OpenLDV 3.

Any questions concerning information. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. If the authentication flag is enabled, this represents the authentication xdrived to be used for the session.

The LNS network name can be a maximum of 85 characters long. NodeBuilder User s Guide Release 3. If you experience software behavior changes as a result of another software installation, you can repair this product installation through the following procedure: You will be prompted to enter the name of the new Profile. Click Add to create a new Olon. Software Announcement April 10, Developer Marketing: These wrappers will make it easier to call the SCO ion other objects.

Welcome, Audience – Echelon OpenLDV User Manual

C-1 Sample Lookup Extension Component These fields are not required under most circumstances, and are only applicable to downlink sessions. Select the RNI tab to configure the network interfaces you plan to use with xdriver. Item NetworkInterfaces Xdrriver String method.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, More information.


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